Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Few Explanations

It's 2:08 and I'm still awake.  This morning (I mean, later this morning) I'm supposed to be waking up early and setting off on the road.  Two weeks ago I made this random decision to pick up my life and throw it in my car and take off.  I decided it's time for me to get back to my roots, learn about who I am and where I come from.  I want to get to know the family that I have been so far away from my whole life.  So I'm moving to Orlando.

A lot of people have been wondering why I would make such a drastic change.  Why would I choose to go to Florida when I could stay here in California, where the weather is fair?  A lot of people are concerned about my plan.  The truth is, I'm looking to have an adventure.  I don't want to know what I'll be doing tomorrow, next month, or even 5 years from now.  I want life to be a mystery.  I want to just live and I'm tired of living for the clock, living for this wonderful future I'm supposed to have, living to please other people's expectations.  It's time for me to live for me.  And you know what?  -My heart yearns for something unexpected, exciting, and yes, even drastic.

Two days after I had these musings I quit my job.  It was official- I'm going to Florida.  Luckily, I have some pretty remarkable family waiting for me in Orlando (and scattered across the U.S., for that matter).  Aunt Jan was kind enough to offer me a place to stay in the home that is actually up for sale.  That means, it's a temporary place to stay, but I'm hoping to find a job and a place of my own soon thereafter.

In just a few hours I will be loading the cats in the car and we will be headed towards the Mojave Desert.  It's supposed to be in the 120s tomorrow afternoon... I am not looking forward to that kind of death heat, but luckily the car is new and the air conditioner is functioning!  My goal tomorrow is to make it to Flagstaff, AZ!